Weather stations in our facilities





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  • Frigus – the newest spring triticale variety with record high yield in Poland, Great Britain and Austria.

  • It has a longer straw (approx. 100-104 cm), of the Dublet type, and good lodging resistance.

  • Excellent disease resistance.

  • Frigus has coarse grain with high protein content.

  • Excellent resistance to sprouting, which is important during wet harvests.

  • High yields also in autumn sowing.

  • The recommended sowing rate at the optimal sowing date is 400-440 germinating seeds per 1 m2 (approx. 180-200 kg/ha).



High disease resistance
Pre-harvest sprouting resistance
High yielding
  • Frigus - the newest spring triticale variety with record high yield in Poland, Great Britain and Austria.

  • It has a longer straw (approx. 100-104 cm), of the Dublet type, and good lodging resistance.

  • Excellent disease resistance.

  • Frigus has coarse grain with high protein content.

  • Excellent resistance to sprouting, which is important during wet harvests.

  • High yields also in autumn sowing.

  • The recommended sowing rate at the optimal sowing date is 400-440 germinating seeds per 1 m2 (approx. 180-200 kg/ha).

Main agricultural and utility characteristics

9° scale
Time of ear emergencemediumLodging resistance4Good
Time of ripeningmediumSprouting resistance5High
Height of the plantmediumProtein content5High
Weight of 1000 grainshighGrain density5High

Diseases resistance

9° scale
Mildew5HighLeaves septoria5High
Brown rust5HighEar septoria5High
DTR5HighFoot diseases6High
Rynchosporium5HighYellow rust5High