- Traditional type of growth.
- High yield of seed.
- Good resistance to field bean Ascochyta.
- High and stiff straw with good lodging resistance.
- In heavy rainfall periods it requires desiccation before harvest.
- The most suitable soils for field bean cultivation are fertile and concentrated soils with pH closed to neutral. Due to high water requirements, the highest yields are achieved on high moisture content and high culture soils. Fore crop cultivation should be carried out deeper.
- Fore crop of field bean may be different species, excluding Leguminosae (4-5 years pause). Field bean is a phytosanitary plant, that’s why it’s useful in inter-cereals cultivation (which stops plant diseases spreading).
- Sowing term should be as earliest as possible. Sowing shouldn’t be conducted when there is a high soil moisture. The seeds should be placed into the soil on the depth of 6-10 cm with the row distance of 20-25 cm. In case of traditional growth type plants the seed density should be 45-50 per 1 m2. In case of self-terminating plants the seed density should be 65 per 1 m2. Before sowing the seeds should be treated with e.g. Vitavax 200F in the rate of 300 ml/100 kg of seeds.
- Nitrogen fertilization is limited to a single application of 20-30 kg/ha before. Phosphorus and potassium fertilization is generally carried out in the autumn in the rate of 80-100 kg/ha P2O5 and 100-120 kg/ha K2O.
- Weed control recommendation: after sowing e.g. Command 480 EC 0,2 l/ha and Afalon 50 WP 1kg/ha. After the plantlets achieve 5-10 cm, Basagran 480 SL in the rate of 1,5 l/ha may be used and then repeated after 7-10 days in the rate of 1 l/ha. Bruchus pisorum control should be applied in the phase of first pod formation and then repeated after 10 days with e.g. Sumi-Alpha 050 EC in the rate of 0,2 l/ha. All weed treatments should be applied according to official recommendations published by Institute of Plant Protection.
- One-phase harvesting.
- Field bean treshing requires adjusting of the harvester (decreasing of treshing cylinder turns (400 turn/min); widening of chink between treshing floor and treshing cylinder, correct sieves choice).