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  • Rodos is a new yellow-grained oat variety. It is characterized by high resistance to diseases and high resistance to lodging.
  • Fits into the Green Deal strategy. Useful for cultivation with a reduced amount of fungicides used.
  • A variety with good resistance to soil acidification.
  • It performs well on poorer soils and in dry years.
  • Rodos is a taller variety (90 cm) with very good stiffness and even ripening.
  • An exceptionally favorable combination of fat content (approx. 6%) and husk in the grain allows for obtaining very good results when used for energy purposes. The energy value is approx. 16-19 MJ/kg. The cost of burning Rodos is two times lower than burning hard coal or eco-pea coal.
  • Rodos has a high grain density (52 g) in bulk state, which makes it useful for consumption purposes. The recommended sowing rate at the optimal sowing date is 400-450 germinating grains per 1 m2 (approx. 150-170 kg/ha).



For energy purposes and more!

  • Rodos is a new yellow-grained oat variety. It is characterized by high resistance to diseases and high resistance to lodging.
  • Fits into the Green Deal strategy. Useful for cultivation with a reduced amount of fungicides used.
  • A variety with good resistance to soil acidification.
  • It performs well on poorer soils and in dry years.
  • Rodos is a taller variety (90 cm) with very good stiffness and even ripening.
  • An exceptionally favorable combination of fat content (approx. 6%) and husk in the grain allows for obtaining very good results when used for energy purposes. The energy value is approx. 16-19 MJ/kg. The cost of burning Rodos is two times lower than burning hard coal or eco-pea coal.
  • Rodos has a high grain density (52 g) in bulk state, which makes it useful for consumption purposes. The recommended sowing rate at the optimal sowing date is 400-450 germinating grains per 1 m2 (approx. 150-170 kg/ha).

Main agricultural and utility characteristics

9° scale
Time of panicle emergenceMediumLodging resistance6High
Time of ripeningMediumProtein content3Good
Height of the plantMediumFat content4Good
Weight of 1000 grainsHighGrain density4Good

Diseases resistance

9° scale
Oat rust7HighLeaves septoria6High