Weather stations in our facilities





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  • A new variety of malting barley characterized by a high and stable level of fertility in many European countries.
  • It has above-average brewing quality of grain.
  • A variety widely accepted by the brewing industry!
  • Perfect for medium quality and better soils.
  • Characterized by high resistance to diseases – especially to powdery mildew, rhynchosporium, barley rust and leaf net blotch.
  • Short straw (Quench barley type) with good lodging resistance and very good resistance to ear breakage.
  • High TGW, very good uniformity and density, and a low proportion of offal.
  • Low protein content.
  • Recommended sowing rate in optimal sowing term is 300-350 germinating seeds per 1 m2 (ca.150-170 kg / ha).


Unprecedented fertility among malting barley!

  • A new variety of malting barley characterized by a high and stable level of fertility in many European countries.
  • It has above-average brewing quality of grain.
  • A variety widely accepted by the brewing industry!
  • Perfect for medium quality and better soils.
  • Characterized by high resistance to diseases – especially to powdery mildew, rhynchosporium, barley rust and leaf net blotch.
  • Short straw (Quench barley type) with good lodging resistance and very good resistance to ear breakage.
  • High TGW, very good uniformity and density, and a low proportion of offal.
  • Low protein content.
  • Recommended sowing rate in optimal sowing term is 300-350 germinating seeds per 1 m2 (ca.150-170 kg / ha).

Main agricultural and utility characteristics

9° scale
Time of ear emergencemediumLodging resistance4Good
Time of ripeningmedium lateProtein content4Low
Height of the plantmedium shortGrain density5High
Weight of 1000 grainshigh

Diseases resistance

9° scale
Net blotch5HighDark brown spot4Good
Barley rust5High