- Awarded with the Gold Medal of the Poznań Interntionl Fair Polagra “Premiery 2018”!
- The shortest leafless white -flowered pea in Poland.
- Suitable for food, fodder and aftercrop purposes.
- The lowest content of trypsin inhibitors.
- Yellow seeds with a lower TGW, which significantly reduces sowing costs.
- High tolerance to ascochyta blight and downy mildew.
- Good stem stiffness before harvesting.
- Awarded with the Gold Medal of the Poznań Interntionl Fair Polagra “Premiery 2018”!
- The shortest leafless white -flowered pea in Poland.
- Suitable for food, fodder and aftercrop purposes.
- The lowest content of trypsin inhibitors.
- Yellow seeds with a lower TGW, which significantly reduces sowing costs.
- High tolerance to ascochyta blight and downy mildew.
- Good stem stiffness before harvesting.