- Leafed, red flowering variety with high yielding potential.
- High content of overall protein.
- Steady maturing.
- Good seeds shedding resistance.
- One of the best lodging resistance among all leafed varieties.
- Recommended for main crop cereal mixtures and aftercrops pure sowing or cereal mixtures.
- Medium soil quality of a neutral pH are the best for optimal cultivation. Too wet soil during its preparation for sowing is not advisable.
- Sowing term should be as early as possible, starting from the middle of March (in Poland). The seeds should be placed on the depth of 6-8 cm with the density 110-120 grains per 1 m2. The seeds should be treated with e.g. Vitavax 200F, which guaranties diseases protection and improved emergence. It is recommended to inoculate seeds with Nitragina, too.
- Nitrogen fertilization is limited to a single application of 20-30 kg/ha before sowing. Phosphorus and Potassium fertilization is generally carried out in the autumn, before winter plough in the rate of 70-100 kg/ha P2O5; 100-140 kg/ha K2O. Calcium application into soils is recommended when pH is lower than 5,5 in the rate of 3-5 t/ha.
- Weed control recommendation: after sowing e.g. Command 480 EC 0,2 l/ha and Afalon 50 WP 1kg/ha. After the plantlets achieve 6-12 cm, which is in the phase of first adhered tendrils; Basagran 480 SL in the rate of 2,5-3 l/ha may be used in a single or divided application. Bruchus pisorum control should be applied in the phase of first pod formation and then repeated after 10 days with e.g. Sumi-Alpha 050 EC in the rate of 0,2 l/ha. All control weed treatments should be applied according to official recommendations published by Institute of Plant Protection.
- One-phase harvesting.
- Fodder pea treshing requires adjusting of the harvester (decreasing of treshing cylinder turns (400 turn/min); widening of chink between treshing floor and treshing cylinder, correct sieves choice).
- Fodder pee might be sown in pure sowing or in the mixtures with cereals, which achieve higher yields and maturity much steadily, especially on lighter soils. The cultivation of fodder pea in the mixtures gives beneficial effect on soil structure. It is recommended, that the share of fodder pea in mixtures, depending on soil complex, should reach 30-50% of its sowing rate.
Examples of cereal and fodder pea mixtures:
80 kg/ha of fodder pea + 90 kg/ha of barley
70 kg/ha of fodder pea + 35 kg/ha of barley + 70 kg/ha of oats
120 kg/ha of fodder pea + 120 kg/ha of triticale
Examples of stubble aftercrops and fodder pea mixtures:
80 kg/ha of fodder pea + 90 kg/ha of barley
70 kg/ha of fodder pea + 35 kg/ha of barley + 70 kg/ha of oats
120 kg/ha of fodder pea + 120 kg/ha of triticale