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  • Alegoria is a new winter wheat variety developed by DANKO, registered in Poland in 2023 after two years of research.
  • It is characterized by high and stable yield levels in both moderately intensive and intensive cultivation technologies.
  • It performs very well in difficult weather conditions, especially during drought and high temperatures. Alegoria is DANKO’s answer to changing climate conditions!
  • It has very good disease resistance, which allows for reduced use of fungicides, thereby lowering production costs.
  • This variety has a shortened stem, medium-length straw, and very good lodging resistance.
  • It is characterized by attractive, plump grains with a Thousand Kernel Weight (TKW) of about 50 grams.
  • Ideal for milling and baking purposes.
  • The variety boasts a high protein and gluten content (about 30%) and a high falling number – 350 seconds.
  • Alegoria is a medium-early variety with uniform ripening, facilitating easy harvesting.
  • Alegoria is a single-ear variety.
  • The recommended sowing rate for optimal sowing time is 300-350 germinating seeds per 1m2 (approximately 160-180 kg/ha).



When frost and drought strike, Alegoria takes the yield!

Group E/A
Winter hardiness 4,0
For milling-baking purposes
High yielding
Resistant to drought
  • Alegoria is a new winter wheat variety developed by DANKO, registered in Poland in 2023 after two years of research.
  • It is characterized by high and stable yield levels in both moderately intensive and intensive cultivation technologies.
  • It performs very well in difficult weather conditions, especially during drought and high temperatures. Alegoria is DANKO's answer to changing climate conditions!
  • It has very good disease resistance, which allows for reduced use of fungicides, thereby lowering production costs.
  • This variety has a shortened stem, medium-length straw, and very good lodging resistance.
  • It is characterized by attractive, plump grains with a Thousand Kernel Weight (TKW) of about 50 grams.
  • Ideal for milling and baking purposes.
  • The variety boasts a high protein and gluten content (about 30%) and a high falling number – 350 seconds.
  • Alegoria is a medium-early variety with uniform ripening, facilitating easy harvesting.
  • Alegoria is a single-ear variety.
  • The recommended sowing rate for optimal sowing time is 300-350 germinating seeds per 1m2 (approximately 160-180 kg/ha).

Main agricultural and utility characteristics

9° scale
Time of ear emergencemediumProtein content6Very High
Time of ripeningmediumWet gluten amount7Very High
Height of the plantshortSprouting resistance5High
Weight of 1000 grainshighLodging resistance6Very High
Winter hardiness4Good

Diseases resistance

9° scale
Mildew5HighEar septoria5High
Brown rust5HighEar fusarium5High
Yellow rust5HighFoot diseases5High
Leaves septoria5HighBrown leaf spot5High